"Welcome To Chiari Lifeline."

Chiari Malformation is a serious neurological disorder where the cerebellum, the bottom part of the brain, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine. There are over 100 reported symptoms that are caused from CM. Those most common include; severe headaches, fatigue, general imbalance, memory problems, visual disturbances, dizziness, just to name a few.

CM affects about 1 in 1,000 people and this number continues to grow. Still many are left suffering and go years without a proper diagnosis as many doctors are yet unfamiliar with this condition.

If you or a loved one is affected by Chiari please visit the links provided below. Together, we can make a difference!

November 19, 2007

Just Another Manic Monday...

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I thought I would post this evening while I actually had the chance!

There are days when I must admit that I feel anything but "thankful". It's so much easier to make a list of the negatives it seems; work, bills, finances, debt, traffic, kids arguing, family/relationship dynamics, the paper boy that keeps throwing your newspaper in the puddle!
All of these things are bad enough on their own! Add to them a list of Chiari woes; pain, exhaustion, "brain fog" and you've got yourself somebody begging for a nice little white padded cell! Ahh...c'mon. You KNOW you've thought about it!

So many of us allow ourselves to let the affects of CM "steal our joy." Haven't we let it steal enough already? While contemplating what to post tonight all I could think of was the aggravation of the day's events. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. It was stealing my joy.

I began to reflect on the positives in my life; a good job so I can pay my bills...a reliable vehicle that keeps me in traffic and not on the side of the road. Great kids that argue only amongst themselves, not with their teachers, peers or with me. The fact that I have a family and sweetheart who loves me is pretty dynamic in itself. And should I ever order the paper, I have no puddles outside my door to throw it in!

As for my Chiari, I'm thankful that I can still feel most of the pain...when I'm exhausted from the pain I have a comfortable bed to lay down in...and when I'm "foggy" I never forget what truly needs to be remembered. All the above.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

lace1070 said...

Ah ~ visions of the padded room have come to mind once or twice! But like you ~ I am thankful for the things that do make my life easier. There are many more things in life that are bigger and scarier than brain surgery ~ right? Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving ~ Lace