"Welcome To Chiari Lifeline."

Chiari Malformation is a serious neurological disorder where the cerebellum, the bottom part of the brain, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine. There are over 100 reported symptoms that are caused from CM. Those most common include; severe headaches, fatigue, general imbalance, memory problems, visual disturbances, dizziness, just to name a few.

CM affects about 1 in 1,000 people and this number continues to grow. Still many are left suffering and go years without a proper diagnosis as many doctors are yet unfamiliar with this condition.

If you or a loved one is affected by Chiari please visit the links provided below. Together, we can make a difference!

November 12, 2007

Years before I was diagnosed with CM I'd been experiencing symptoms such as; blinding headaches, severe pain in my neck, fatigue, dizziness, numbness in my face, etc. I was led to believe I had everything from pinched nerves to chronic fatigue syndrome.

Mother's Day of 2005 I woke with a feeling of sheer panic. I had lost all feeling on the right side of my body. Taking into consideration my family history, the first thought that came to mind was a stroke. A trip to the ER and numerous tests later, revealed a diagnosis of Chiari Malformation.

At 3 A.M. the neurologist on duty came flying into my room, threw on the light, said something about my brain being crowded and was basically "sliding down" but it was not all that uncommon...follow up with my regular physician upon discharge. That was it. I had no CLUE what I had, what to expect or what to do about it. All I knew was that I was in pain, I was exhausted and scared. Over two years later several doctors have followed, all with the same conclusion; "It's not the Chiari that's causing your symptoms...your herniation is not significant enough...maybe your just stressed out."

I know many of you or perhaps someone you love has experienced the same, over and over again.

I hope that this blog, in some small way, can put us one step closer to increased awareness, education and support. Together we CAN make a difference!

1 comment:

lace1070 said...

Hi Beth ~ I found your blog through a google search. I am a fellow Chiarian blogger, myself. Check out my blog if you are interested. http://livelovelaugh-lace1013.blogspot.com/
I have lots of resourceful info on there and of course a healthy dose of humor and inspiration! That's so awesome that you are going to TCI in January. I went in May and was absolutely blown away with how great everyone there is ~ and they will be able to answer all your questions! Hugs to you ~ Lace
Here's my e-mail if you want to chat ~ lacieheiser@gmail.com